1st Warning: Look down below for the time it takes to wear off.
2nd Warning: This removes your ability to become a commander.
(Permanent punishment unless removed by a Marshal.)
3rd Warning: This removes your ability to join the Spec-Ops Brigade.
(Permanent punishment unless removed by a Marshal.)
You will receive a kick after the 3rd warning.
(If kicked for inactivity, you lose your ranks when or if you rejoin.)
If you receive a warning, your promotion will be locked. The duration of your lock depends on your rank level.
Blue Ranks-2 Weeks
Green Ranks-3 Weeks
Orange Ranks-4 Weeks
Security personnel are to be considered as staff, but they are not commanders. They only have power over discipline.
We ask that you be active two times per week, but in certain circumstances, we will make an exception and enable you to be active at least once per week. Please consult with a commander about any concerns that may necessitate the above-mentioned activity ability.
If any activity difficulties are medical in nature, please refer to the medical issues section for more information on that subject.
Those of you who have been marked inactive will receive warnings. If you need a break from the server, use the Server LOA System rather than simply disappearing, or we will deem you inactive.
Everyone is given a single Battalion Change, which allows you to change your Battalion if you discover that the one you are currently in isn't right for you. To do so, though, you must first attend the Battalion Tryout for the one you want to join.
This rule is not applicable if you are seeking to join a Special Operations Battalion because it only pertains to normal battalions. It also does not apply if you are trying to leave a Special Operations Battalion. If you leave, you will be returned to your former battalion. When you're departing, you will not be required to do another Battalion Tryout.
If you are removed from your battalion by your commander or a member of high command for a kickable reason, you will receive a warning and it will not count as one of your battalion changes. If you believe your removal was unjust, go to a member of High Command; if High Command removed you, go to another member of High Command.
If you have any medical difficulties, please bring them up with high command; doing so may result in an exemption from certain requirements. However, it is entirely up to you whether or not to tell us.
If you choose not to tell us, we are not held accountable for instructions or directions that go against your issues due to our lack of knowledge of said issues; we will remedy the situation, but we cannot be blamed.
All names are permanent. However, you can request minor name modifications.
It will be allowed or not, depending on the modifications. The server name format is listed below; you must adhere to it.
[Battalion, Other] (Rank)-XXXX "NAME"
When you join the server, make sure to check out the Cadet-Role Section for further information on how to become a cadet.
You may request a LOA if you need a break. Please contact one of our Commanders to get a LOA. If your LOA request is approved, you will be granted up to three weeks of leave.
For any major problems, please speak with a commander as you can request an ELOA, which allows you to specify your own end date for when you will return. If you haven't returned by then, you will be considered inactive and your ELOA status will be withdrawn.
If you decide that one of the classes you have chosen is not for you, you have the option of changing it once. This means that if you belong to a given class but dislike the class weapons, you can swap classes. Remember that once you do this, you are bound to that new class and cannot modify it.
Jet Trooper
ARC Trooper
ARF Trooper
BARC Trooper
Pilot [Specialist Only]
7th Legion
9th Assault Corps
13th Iron Battalion
35th Infantry
38th Armored Division
41st Elite Corps
91st Mobile Recon Corps
104th Wolfpack
181st Armor Division
182nd Legion
187th Legion
212th Attack Battalion
327th Star Corps
416th Star Corps
501st Legion
612th Attack Battalion
Grey's Battalion
Horn Company
Keeli Company
Tango Company
21st Nova Corps
91st Mobile Recon Corps
181st Armor Division
442nd Siege Battalion
Ordinance Specialists (EOD)
Doom's Unit
5th Fleet Security
87th Sentinel Corps
Coruscant Guard
Kamino Guard
44th Spec Ops
Null ARC's
Rancor Battalion
Republic Commandos
Shadow Troopers
41st Green Company
41st Rangers Platoon
Ghost Company (212th Attack Battalion)
Keller's Unit (21st Nova Corps)
Torrent Company (501st Legion)
VR Only Blasters
The Republic
Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
E-5C Rapid Fire Blaster Rifle
No more than one E-5C, DC-15A(SM), or E-5S per squad. Only one of the aforementioned guns may be used in groups of two or three.
Only one Z-6 can be used per team.
DC-15A Blaster Rifle
DC-15LE Blaster Rifle
DC-15S Blaster Carbine
DC-15X Sniper Rifle
DC-17 Blaster Pistol
DC-17S Blaster Pistol
DC-19 Stealth Carbine
DP-23 Shotgun
EDC-17 Blaster Pistol
PLX-1 Rocket Launcher
RPS-6 Rocket Launcher
S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Valken 38X Sniper Rifle
Westar M5 Blaster Rifle
Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
CIS Shotgun
E-5 Blaster Rifle
E-5C Rapid Fire Blaster Rifle
E-5S Sniper Rifle
E-60R Rocket Launcher
RG-4D Blaster Pistol
SE-14 Blaster Pistol
DC-15A Blaster Rifle
DC-15S Blaster Carbine
DC-17 Blaster Pistol
DC-15LE Blaster Rifle
RPS-6 Rocket Launcher
Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
DC-17 Blaster Pistol
DC-17 Blaster Pistol
DP-23 Shotgun
Valken 38X Sniper Rifle
DC-15S Blaster Carbine
DC-17 Blaster Pistol
DP-23 Shotgun
DC-15S Blaster Carbine
DC-17 Blaster Pistol
DP-23 Shotgun
EDC-17 Blaster Pistol
RPS-6 Rocket Launcher
DC-15S Blaster Carbine
DC-17 Blaster Pistol
RPS-6 Rocket Launcher
DC-15X Sniper Rifle
EDC-17 Blaster Pistol
DC-17S Blaster Pistol
PLX-1 Rocket Launcher
Westar M5 Blaster Rifle
DC-15X Sniper Rifle
EDC-17 Blaster Pistol
All Specialist Battalions and Special Operation Battalions have access to the DC-15X Sniper Rifle.
DP-23 Shotgun
Trained with every regular weapon system.
DC-19 Stealth Carbine