Cadet (C)
Trooper (CT)
Private (PVT)
Private First Class (PFC)
Specialist (SPC)
Lance Corporal (LCPL)
Corporal (CPL)
Sergeant (SGT)
Staff Sergeant (SSGT)
Sergeant First Class (SFC)
Master Sergeant (MSG)
First Sergeant (FSG)
Sergeant Major (SGM)
Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
Warrant Officer (WO)
Second Lieutenant (2LT)
Lieutenant (LT)
Captain (CPT)
Major (MAJ)
The minimum rank to apply for ARC is Master Sergeant.
ARC Sergeant
ARC Lieutenant
ARC Captain
ARC Commander
To apply for a security position, talk to the Head of Security.
Security Member
Security Second In Command (SSIC)
Head of Security (HOS)
A Commander Application must be submitted. A Sergeant or higher rank is required. To apply, you must be at least 15 years old.
A Commander application must be submitted. You must at least be a Battalion Commander to do this.
A Commander application must be submitted. You must at least be a Regimental Commander to do this.
A Commander application must be submitted. You must at least be an ARC Captain to do this.
To become a Marshal Commander, you have to be given the position by the other Marshals.
Commanders will decide whether you will be promoted or demoted. Officers, on the other hand, are authorized to make recommendations on who they believe should be promoted and why. If you are promoted, you will be promotion locked for a set period of time, which is detailed below.
Trooper Ranks - 1 Week
NCO Ranks - 2 Weeks
Officer Ranks - 3 Weeks
[HOS SDI] ARCC-1911 "Tank"
[HOS SDI] ARCC-1911 "Tank"
[SDI] MCC-1944 "Stardust"
[ST] MCC-4536 "Kat"